National News Analysis

12 March 2025, 16:57 PM

Chief Minister Bommai, who initiated various development projects in  Bangalore  Mahadevapura constituency

chief minister Bassvaraj Bommai inaugurating work start in mahadevapura region places in Bengaluru yesterday.

Bangalore: Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai today said the master plan for the development of all areas of the city will be devised.  – Construction of 250 beds Multi-speciality Hospital Construct for construction of 250 bed Malti speciality  Hospital in munnekolalu Village in Mahadevapura Assembly constituency.  He spoke. All the amenities can only be provided

Bengaluru Bengaluru Model * All necessary work will be done to preserve and develop Bangalore’s international reputation.  We don’t have to be Singapore.  The Bangalore model for Bengaluru.  The city should be built based on its nature.  Now we have the slogan of ‘New India from New Bangalore to Neo Karnataka – Neo Karnataka’, ”CM said.  “The multi-specialty hospital, the city’s leading government hospitals, Victoria and Bowring Hospitals, has been commissioned.  There was the thought of adding the elevated road to Virtur road completely.  The 150-foot CDP, road work is very important for driving traffic, and the project has been launched.  Both of the projects now running are far-reaching projects that serve the people of this area, ”he said.  “From Hebbal to Virtual Road, Mahadevapur will be connected to the metro and the metro.  The elevated roads are being constructed to facilitate the Goraguntepalya junction, ”he said.  MLA Arvind Limbayawali said, “The entire tax haven should be given more money to provide adequate infrastructure for Mahadevapura.” We do not need to do a bad work.  The city should be built based on its nature, the Bangalore model for Bangalore. 

Now we have the slogan of ‘New India from New Bangalore to Neo Karnataka – Neo Karnataka’, ”CM said.  Construction of the multi-specialty hospital at the city’s leading government hospitals such as Victoria and Bowring Hospitals.  There was the thought of adding the elevated road to Virtur road completely.  150 feet CDP to relieve vehicle traffic.  Soalds of road work.  Firover and Metro link up to Mahakavapuram via Rukla Road.  High-rise roads are also being constructed to facilitate the Goraguntepalya Junction, ”he said.  Speaking to MLA Arvind Limbayavali, he said, “Mahadevapura is the most vibrant constituency in Bangalore.  CM should appeal for more funds to provide adequate infrastructure, ”he said.  Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar, MP  C.  Mohan, Gopinath Reddy, Rakesh Singh, Chief Commissioner of Parents Gaurav Gupta, City Collector J Manjunath and others were also present.

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