Bengaluru: Implementing programs. A state-level dermatologist convention and exhibition and sale of leather handicrafts is held every year in Bangalore today convention will be inaugurated by Chief Minister Basavaraj bommai, for the skill development, introduction of modern technology and marketing of their products. Artisans from all 31 districts of the state will participate in this exhibition and sales program, where they will be able to sell their products directly to consumers. The event will be attended by out-of-state craftsmen, leather industrial corporations, machine and raw material manufacturers and leather technology educational institutions. As well as various government departments / corporations Boards will also participate. The program is designed to benefit skin craftsmen and the state’s skin care industry as follows. * Conducting conferences and exhibitions and exhibitions for the artisans by inviting at least 5000 artisans from all 31 districts of the state to observe the patterns made by the artisans and to learn the skills of each other. To provide a conducive environment for the development of the dermatology in the state. Providing Market Linkage for Artisans Engaged in Dermatology 10Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram Skin Industrial Development Corporation Limited Babu Jagana Ram Industrial Development Corporation (KSDC) with the objectives of the development of the skin industry in the state of Karnataka and the development of the Scheduled Caste Leather Harsis in 1976. Known for skin-tightening. SOF SCOOBCOFTHED Tan has been exploited by businessmen / dealers since they belong to the last community. Amma has not been able to afford a fair price and is in a position to live a beautiful and dignified life. Even today most skin craftsmen are sitting on the street and engaging in this lubricant work. Given the welfare of such exploited and economically and socially disadvantaged Karwa artisans by the State Government in 976, the late Prime Minister Sri Devaraja Arasu was the Chief Minister of Nawar Karnataka Karma Industrial Development Corporation (NDDC) with the implementation of many projects and the implementation of the Sarika Bros. Was done The corporation has been operating in the commercial and industrial sphere since its inception. Skills development training, self-employment projects and infrastructure development projects. In addition, the corporation has programs that require commercial promotion programs such as re-prom, upmarket upgrades, sales outlet upgrades, software applications in business activities.