Mr. GE.Manjunath aspirant for congress rajyasabha ticket talking to media at press club Bengaluru: consider my name for Rajyasabha Elections – 2024 as a Candidate from the party. He was a Technocrat and have knowledge of national politics. He joined politics as a Student Leader at the age of 15 (fifteen). I belong to SCHEDULED CASTE (RIGHT). His first election is with late Shri R. Gundu Rao (CM in the year 1980 by-election – Holalkere, Chitradurga District). From 1980 to till date, He was working in the party (without changing the party). He tried to contest Holalkere Assembly elections in 2008, 2013 and also Chitradurga Parliament elections in 2009 and 2014 and he was denied ticket he said.
He hailed from Central Karnataka and he was the senior-most leader and Engineering Graduate (1992). He didn’t go for job. He had worked for the party from 40 years. Therefore,he said please consider his name for Rajyasabha 2024 elections as a candidate from Karnataka.