National News Analysis

11 March 2025, 16:50 PM

Eknath Gaikwad (MRCC President) condemns statement by actress Kangana Ranaut

Eknath Gaikwad.jpeg

4 September 2020, Mumbai, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut who is known to make controversial and provocative statements has landed herself in a spot today. Ranaut’s statement drawing a parallel between Mumbai and Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir has not gone down well in Maharashtra, especially with the people of Mumbai.

The Mumbai Regional Congress Committee (MRCC) President Shri Eknath Gaikwad condemned the statement by Kangana Ranaut and said he strongly opposed her statement regarding drawing parallel between Mumbai and PoK. He said Mumbai is for and of all Indian citizens, all religions, and people from all around the country come here to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.

Gaikwad also said that Kangana Ranaut should not pass any comments or issue any statements against Mumbai Police, and added that it was one of the most professional law enforcing agencies of the country which has done excellent work and whose comparison is famously done with none other than Scotland Yard police.

He further added that Kangana Ranaut has earned her name and fame in Mumbai and repeated that her social media posts were highly condemnable.

It’s a known fact that Kangana Ranaut has faced flak in the past for her controversial twitter posts and has been trolled severely for the same.

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