National News Analysis

12 March 2025, 9:49 AM


CM Siddaramaiah during inauguration of new bulding of Babu jagajivan Ram in Bengaluru.

Amendment to PTCL Act if necessary: ​​Chief Minister Siddaramaiah

Bengaluru: No other state except Karnataka has reservation in leases for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that PTCL Act will be amended if necessary.

Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Siddaramaiah today inaugurated Social Welfare Department , Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram Research Institute. Former Deputy Prime Minister of India Dr . Babu Jagjivan, the pioneer of the Green Revolution organized by Bangalore at the Refugee Relief Center on Magadi Road, Bangalore, addressed the program after inaugurating the Ram Bhavan.

He was speaking at the inauguration of Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram Bhawan, pioneer of green revolution, national leader and former Deputy Prime Minister of India, organized by the Department of Social Welfare and Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram Research Institute at the Refugee Relief Center on Magadi Road, Bangalore today.

We do not have conservative attitudes

In banks, K.S. FC, our government has provided the facility of 4% interest to entrepreneurs up to 10 crores. SCSP/T. 7(d) under the SP Act was suggested to be dropped, the act was amended and dropped. We have no conservative attitudes, the chief minister promised to make changes if needed. He clarified that the government does not have a stand against social justice.

Morarji Desai Residential Schools started
Residential schools were started in the 70s when Dalit organizations demanded that there should be no liquor shops and residential schools. Morarji Desai recalled that he was the one who started the residential schools when he was the finance minister in 94-95.

Hobli is a residential school.
821 Morarji Desai Residential Schools have been opened today. The government has decided to open a residential school for Hobli. 20 residential schools will be opened in 2024-25. A total of 905 residential schools will be functioning in the state. He said that 211000 students are studying in residential schools.

Dalits should get socio-economic power

The CM recalled that the student of Crys hostel scored 625 out of 625 marks. Dalits should get socio-economic power. Only then will they be able to come to the fore. To realize the dream of Basavanna and Babu Jagjivan Ram, economic and social power should come and everyone should be educated. Ambedkar and Jagjivan Ram, who called for education and organization struggle, said that caste should be annihilated. If caste is not annihilated, equality will not come. We have to do this step by step. He said that the morality of questioning those who are not doing it should be developed.

Equal society should be built

Those who are against the constitution should be questioned. All races should come in all arrangements. We work to provide opportunities to the underprivileged. Various works should also be done by Babu Jagjivan Ram Research Institute. Scheduled Castes should be trained for competitive examinations. It will be convenient if accommodation facility is also provided. According to the vision of Babu Jagjivan Ram, the institution should be put to good use. He said that we should take steps towards building an equal society.

trying to find a solution
Preamble of the Constitution is being read in all schools to understand the Constitution. Everyone should know history and find solutions. He said that our government is making efforts in this regard.

Recommendation to Center on Internal Reservation
Our government is recommending to central government about internal reservation. He said that the central government will be urged in this regard. May this grand house be beneficial to all. He said that the government will provide the necessary assistance.

a matter of pride
Anjaneya, a former minister, was the main reason for the construction of the building. Such a huge research building was built in an area of ​​5 acres. Perhaps this is the first time such a building has been constructed in the country in the name of Jagjivanaram. It is not something to be proud of but it needs to be maintained and utilized. Social welfare department should take all measures for this. That is our tribute to Babu Jagjivan Ram, said the Chief Minister.

Development grant according to population
For the development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Classes, to empower them economically and socially, we had enacted an Act when we were in power to spend development grants in proportion to their population. According to the 2011 census, the total population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the state is 24.01%. 1.60 lakh crore has been provided for development in this year’s budget, out of which we have provided 39,121 crore for the development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. He said, “We would not have been able to provide such a large grant if the Act had not been made in this regard.”

Progressive Law
Due to this act, it is possible to spend money according to the population. In the entire country only Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states have such a system of providing grants according to population. But there is no such progressive law anywhere else, he said.

Such an act should be implemented at the center too
The grant provided by us should be 100% cost in the same year. This grant should not be allowed to lapse for any reason. If for any reason the grant is not fully spent, the grant will continue for the next year. He said that everyone should put pressure to implement such an act at the center as well.

A program of economic social empowerment should be implemented for the achievement of social justice
If the independence of the country is to be meaningful, equality will be possible only when the country gets economic and social freedom. Implementation of economic and social empowerment program for achieving social justice. “People of all classes should not be discouraged,” he said.  The way of buying model governance Siddaramaiah’s leaders, close to various Dalit organizations in the state ,   Lok Sabha former Speaker Meerakumari, ministers Dr.  H.C.  Mahadevappa, K.H.  Mr. Muniyappa were present.

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