Mr,Raghu Principal Secretary Mr, Gautam Chand Jain Vice President Mr, Gopal Reddy Joint Secretary Collaborator Mr.Mavalpur Srinivas President Mr. Govindaraju Vice President Mr. Venkatesh Secretary Mr. Narasimhamurthy Treasurer protesting against BDA and state Govt at press club in Bengaluru
Bangalore: Development Authority, regarding suspension of the tender process called illegally for undertaking development of Peripheral Ring Road Dated: 25-01-2024.
Preliminary notification in 2005 and final notification in 2007 for land acquisition of 1810 acres of farmers’ land from Tumkur Road to Hosur Road, 65 km long for the Peripheral Ring Road Development Project in Bengaluru city, by 2024 it has been delayed by 19 years without obtaining permission from any departments including the Environment Department, without fixing appropriate compensation for the farmers, the process of land acquisition. As per the BDA Act, this project which has not seen any progress, the duration of the project has expired for 5 years and the act says that the project should be cancelled said .Mr. Mavallipuru Srinivas president of PRR Formers and Settlers Association.
The anti-farmer attitude of the previous ruling governments/BDA has led to the entry into the entire of expropriation, leaving the farmers themselves economically, socially and educationally deprived without any development in the land. All this is due to government and BDA not caring about the farmers even though they have protested and given many appeals against the stand.
They are ruling with their eyes closed. C.R.R. Only road planning is essential Vidhana Soudha/ Formers Essential are BDA told also convinced that they should move forward in providing compensation and rehabilitation facilities as per the Central Government’s Land Acquisition Act 2013, which is the demand of farmers and a constitutional fundamental right.
In 2013, the central government led by the honorable Prime Minister Manmohan Singh enacted The Right to fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 to be applicable to the entire nation in the interest of the nation’s breadwinner farmers. The Act is currently in force in the country, KIADB, K.H.B, NHAI in the state of Karnataka are acquiring land following the Land Acquisition Act 2013 and providing compensation and rehabilitation to the farmers of the land. But the BDA says that the 2013 Act is not applicable and that it will plan and provide compensation under the British-era Land Acquisition Act of 1894. Even though the government is aware of the oppressive trend of BDA on the farmers, it is focusing on the real estate business without safeguarding the interest of the farmers, your selfish mismanagement is continuing.
Peripheral Ring Road was necessary 19 years ago, but now the government knows that it is not necessary, but for some other reason, PRR has been renamed as Bangalore Business Corridor (BBC) and more farmers have been forcibly acquired from their land, and the farmers have been given a monetary compensation. Granted, it is the government’s ploy to push the farming families to the streets and sell them to multinational companies and enterprises. And STRR NH948A road has already been completed around Bangalore rural district and there is no need for PRR road. P.R.R. More than 65 farmers who are subject to land acquisition process related to the scheme have filed cases in Hon’ble Supreme Court and Hon’ble High Court questioning the scheme and the cases are under trial stage. And recently the Hon’ble Supreme Court has directed to transfer the pending cases regarding the settlement of land acquisition acts etc. to the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka.
Even with all this information, BDA PRR tender 210/2023-2024 25-01-2024. Development of Bangalore City Peripheral Ring Road in Public Private Partnership.
Calling for tender for 2560 acres to carry out the work is anti-farmer attitude and illegal.
Therefore Karnataka State Government should pay attention to all aspects of this project and in the interest of thousands of farmers and Dalit families, stop the tender process immediately and decide at the solid government stage to provide compensation and rehabilitation to the farmers and squatters of the land as per Central Government’s Land Acquisition Act 2013. The Committee hereby requests among themselves to give NOC to the farmers and plot owners to abandon the project. If not possible, a movement will be held in front of the BDA office on the 9th of this month against the tender.