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Big ear hole? Now get non-surgical Auroplasty done
Ear holes can become big for various reasons and can affect women of all age groups. Hitherto, surgery has been the only answer to closing the hole and piercing a new hole. Now you can say goodbye to painful surgery. Dr Poonam Sharma’s Auroplasty is a simple non- surgical procedure where you can walk in and walk out in just 2 to 3 hours with the new hole.
In an exclusive interview, she talks about the procedure and the cost involved. Dr Poonam will be performing the procedure in Bengaluru on Jan 7& 8, 2022.
Q. What are the reasons for the ear hole to become big? Is it age related?
Dr Poonam: There are multiple reasons for ear hole to become big, major being
a. Soft Skinb. Accidental pullingc. Constant wearing of large ear-ringsd. Fungal infectione. Sleeping on sides
Age is definitely a factor, with growing age skin loses its elasticity and thinning of lobes is common in elderly patients
Q. What is Auroplasty?
Dr Poonam:In simple words, Auroplasty means ear lobe repair.
We close the existing hole completely without any stiches and make a new hole in one seating.
Few of its advantages are:
No painPermanentReliableNo side effectsNo burningQuickSafeEconomicalNo medication required
Q. Since when have you been performing auroplasty? How many patients have you seen across how many cities?
Dr Poonam: I have been practicing Auroplasty since 1998 in Mumbai.In 2006, we started with our first outstation clinic in Delhi.
Currently we are present in 14 cities across India and more than 30000 patients have been benefitted
Q. Is the procedure painful? What are the precautions a patient needs to take pre and post procedure?
Dr Poonam: It is not a painful procedure. I have completed it for small children (due to accidental pulling) also for elderly patient aged 93 Years.
There are no precaution to be taken before procedure apart from having a hair wash, since you won’t be able to do it post procedure for 7 days 🙂
Post care in short is to keep the area dry and clean. Detailed Post care instructions will be provided post procedure and are also available on www.earholerepair.com
Q. Can people with tendency of keloids undergo auroplasty?
Dr Poonam I Personally do not suggest this for keloids patient. Keloids patients may get keloid on new hole or may not get, but taking a chance is not worth. They can use support tapes and continue to wear ear-rings.
Q. How much is the cost of the procedure?Dr Poonam : Cost for closing is Rs. 5000 for one hole and Rs.7000 for both. This excludes cost of ear-ring towards the new hole, that starts Rs. 500/- onwards