August 23 is ‘National Space Day’; Prime Minister Modi’s announcement
Bengaluru: Chandrayaan-2 crash site named as ‘Triranga Point’ – Modi announcementBangalore: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that the place where Chandrayaan-2’s Vikram lander crashed on the lunar surface in 2019 will now be called Triranga Point.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who visited the ISRO center in Bangalore to congratulate the scientists of the ‘Indian Space Research Organization’ (ISRO) on the successful soft landing of the Vikram lander of the ‘Chandrayaan-3’ project, made this announcement. Modi’s announcement at ISRO in Bangalore
Henceforth August 23 is ‘National Space Day’; Prime Minister Modi’s announcement
Speaking at a function organized at the ‘ISRO Telemetric Tracking and Command and Network Mission Control Complex’ at the ISRO center in Bangalore, he said, “I don’t want to say that the ‘Chandrayaan-2’ project is a failure. That is our stepping stone to victory. The spacecraft sent under the ‘Chandrayaan-2’ project failed to make a soft landing on the moon. But, taking that failure as a challenge, our scientists have succeeded in making the ‘Chandrayaan-3’ spacecraft a safe soft landing on the moon for the whole world to see today.
The success that we have today is because of the failure of ‘Chandrayaan-2’. It has inspired our thinking power. That failure has convinced the whole world that no matter what the difficulties may come, it bounces back with enthusiasm and India will always move towards enormous achievements. Hence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the place where Chandrayaan-2 landed will be called Triranga Point.