National News Analysis

16 February 2025, 13:59 PM


Brahmin maha sabha at palace ground Brahmins are the ones who have set the bar high in the world through such knowledge.More swamijis were present .

Implement 10% reservation for upper castes: Demand at All Karnataka Brahmin Mahasabha conference
The All Karnataka Brahmin Mahasabha demanded that the state government implement the 10% reservation provided by the central government for the economically backward upper castes. At the concluding ceremony of the Brahmin Mahasabha conference held at the Palace Grounds on Sunday, the demand was made for the implementation of 10% reservation and a scientific and factual caste census. It was also requested that the issue of implementing 10% reservation should be brought to the attention of the state government under the leadership of Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao.
Brahmin Mahasabha demands that the state government should implement the 10% reservation provided by the central government for the economically backward upper classes
Dinesh Gundu Rao said that the implementation of 10% reservation for the economically backward upper classes is a complex issue
Mahasabha demands that temples be given autonomy

Bengaluru: The All Karnataka Brahmin Mahasabha demanded that the state government should implement the 10% reservation provided by the central government for the economically backward upper classes.

At the closing ceremony of the Brahmin Mahasabha conference held at the Palace Grounds on Sunday, demands were made for the implementation of 10% reservation and a scientific and factual caste census.
Also, community leader Raghunath Somayaji gave Rs. 50 lakh to the Mahasabha, and in addition to this, the Mahasabha collected Rs. 50 lakh, making a total of one crore

Rupees to build houses for poor Brahmins who are homeless in the state. It was announced that the income from the Suvarna Bhavan being built near the Deve Gowda Petrol Bunk in the city would be used to provide educational assistance to poor students of the community. Also, it was requested that the issue of implementing 10% reservation should be brought to the attention of the state government under the leadership of Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao.
Temples should be given autonomy. (Mujarai temples should also become centers of Sanatan Dharma)
The government has taken over the inam land belonging to temples, and the land that has not been distributed to anyone should be given to the temple.
The Suvarna Bhavan that the All Karnataka Brahmin Mahasabha intends to build should be given funding in the next budget.
When elections come, Brahmins should vote for anyone. But, do not identify yourself as a brand for one party. When in power, we should do good, just work and make the whole society respect us.
‘If we want our strength to grow, we should mix with everyone. Do not alienate anyone. Politics is different. However, apart from that, we are all working for the same society. As a Brahmin, it is my duty to do what is possible for the society. Prepare a list of demands from the state government for the community, and come, and R.V. Deshpande and I will take it to the Chief Minister,’ he promised.

Hindu population decline ‘Both low birth rate and low culture are a threat to society. The population of Hindu society is decreasing day by day. Especially the number of Brahmins is decreasing,’ said Raghaveshwara Bharathi Swamiji of Ramachandrapur Math. ‘Not getting proper culture, leaving the country and settling in other countries is not a good development. The situation of Hindus in neighboring Pakistan and Bangladesh should not happen in India. Brahmins should be careful about this,” he said. If Sanatan Dharma is to survive, our culture and beliefs must be strengthened. Cow slaughter must be banned. Knowledge is the main reason for India to become a world guru. Brahmins are the ones who have set the bar high in the world through such knowledge. Who are the Christian and Muslim Brahmins? ‘The population of Brahmins in the state must be at least 40 lakhs. However, there have been reports that the caste census report has recorded 14 lakhs. How is this possible?’ Mahasabha President Ashok Haranahalli questioned. ‘I have travelled across the state. I have collected information. The caste census takers have not visited anyone’s house. Some may have mentioned the names of sub-castes. However, it is difficult to believe that 14 lakhs. Also, we do not know who these Christian Brahmins and Muslim Brahmins are. The caste census should be conducted on a scientific and factual basis,’ he said.

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