Bengaluru Nov11 RSS and Bajrangdal workers demanded Ban on Salman kurshid book “SUNRSE OVER AYODYA” for defaming hundus congress party membet Salman kurshid new book on ayodya drew widespread criticisam across the coutry on thursday. He compred hindutva with ISIS and boko haram citizens across India lashed out at the fomer Unian minister for doing poltics of appeasement and defaming Hindu globlly. In bengaluru press conference conducted by Dr Prashant Goenka it was atended by memders of RSS Bajrang dal leaders Shashikat sharma, along with ML.Shivkumar, Hariramdeewasi,Manjunath and Harish from Bajrangdal RSS worker Anilkumar also attended the meeting Sanaarhan darma and classical Hinduism nown to Sages and saints was being pushed aside byRobust version of Hindutwa by all standards a political version similar to the Jihadist islam groups like ISIS bokoharam recent year, Salman kurshid