MG Balakrishna elected as FKCCI President
Uma Reddy- Senior vice president
Sairam Prasar-Vice President
Bangalore: Federation of Karnataka Chembers of Commerce and Industry Mr. M. G. Balakrishna has been elected as the president of the federation (FKCCI) for the year 2024-25 and has assumed office on Saturday. Uma Reddy was elected as Senior Vice President and Sairam Prasad as Vice President. MG. Balakrishna, a successful entrepreneur, has established his own business since 1989 and has seen success. For the past 13 years, has worked in various positions including Vice President, Senior Vice President of FKCCI. He has received national, state and international awards. Senior Vice President Umareddy has been manufacturing and exporting electronic and innovation technology products for over three decades. She has received the Central Government’s Women Entrepreneur Award and the State Government’s Rajya Rajyotsava Award.