Govt will decide quantum of increase in quota after panel report, says min
Bengaluru. The cabinet decided to seek a report from the Karnataka State Permanent Backward Classes Commission suggesting the quantum of reservation to be given to economically weaker sections (EWS) is proportionate to their population be fore increasing the quota of Lingayats and Vokkaligas. In 2019, the Center announced 10% quota for EWS under the general category. this quota was headche to BJP government for next coming assembly election.
gories not covered under any reservation in Karnataka is very small. After allocating reservations to them in pro portion to their population, the gov ernment expects to get a pool of around 5%-6% of the total of 10%, and this will be distributed among Lin- gayats and Vokkaligas in the new category in addition to their existing quo tas,” said JC Madhuswamy minister of law and parliamentary affairs.
“The commission may take about three months to submit the report, and then the government will decide on the quantum of increase in quota for Vokkaligas and Lingayats,” Madhuswamy added.
The cabinet made the decisions based on an interim report submitted by the Backward Classes Commission recently where it suggested to create two more categories-2C and 2D, be sides 2A and 2B which have a 15% reservation quota to classify them as “The population of economically moderately backward’ classes.
weaker sections among general cate Sri Jayamruthyunjaya Swami, spearhead of the quota agitation, said it was too early to celebrate. “We will wait for the cabinet order copy that is likely to reach us in 3-4 days. There is no clarity even among cabinet ministers. Our demand is for more reservation in jobs and education.” Several of Bommai’s cabinet colleagues from Vokkaliga and Lin-gayat communities called it “historic” and “revolutionary”.