Rashtroffhama vidya Kendra , Ramamurthy Nagal , Bangalore , BHARATANATYAM ARANGETRAM Dance is one of the most beautiful forms . of expression , inspiration focus , and Perfection . It a strong devotion . and commitment to the art for every Bharatanatyam artist , Arangetram Us .. the celebration of this art . needs . The word ‘ Arangetram is from the Tamil language ‘ Arangue Means stage and Ettorm ‘ means rising or climbing ! The Arangetram is a key Milestone ion . the career of any Bharatanatyam Dancer . It literally means to alce at the stage ( Ranga pravesham ) . It is announced . after several years of training cohen the hura is confident that the disciple can Siestain the Bharatanatyam repertoire , Margam ( seonies of Dance ) . The Arangetram is an honour to the gura , a momentous ouite of Passas age . this , this enables the disciple’s journey . into the ocean . of Bhoratanatyam coreer .