Bengaluru: On the 7 that hangs in the background. The income has come. Running the service to the Mango Fair in Ralbagh by 2020 horticulture minister Munirathita. In the late years, the Department of Horticulture and Karnataka State Mango Development and Marketing Corp. initiated the Mango and Mosquito Fair. “There are no intermediaries. There are about 25 mangoes and cow fruits available from eight districts, including Srivaspura and Sakkaballapur. He was accompanied by a variety of mangoes on the same premises and Kalliya B Garudachar, Chikkate MLA, KA Nagaraju, President of Karnataka State Mango Development and Marketing Corporation, KB Dundee, Additional Director of Horticulture. Mango and Jack fruit may be purchased from May 21st “If found, action will be taken. To be held until June 13th.