Bengaluru; Mr. Prashanth Kulakarni. Assistant Professor of Indus Business Academy college ”an economic analysis, a learner should first begin with a statement of the problem or explain the data to be analyzed. Next, the learner should explain why solving the problem or interpreting the data through an economic lens is important to another group, such as stakeholders, economists or citizens and present economic situations in market. The final element of this section is choosing an economic model. Adding an economic model introduces the economic theory the learner has chosen, so learner who are unfamiliar with the subject can interpret the analysis. students should identify present economic situations in this area these aspects of would encourage learning and understanding interest, 20 team students came to theme of economic situations awareness in Market”. he said.
After the introductory section is complete, a learner should apply the question or data to the chosen economic theory. For example, to justify a price increase, a learner may use a supply-demand model and then use the theory of price to analyze the data . Economic research championship.
Since economics is a qualitative discipline, an economic analysis often involves interpreting data through statistical analysis. At the conclusion of an economic analysis, it is common for a learner to conclude with a regression analysis to prove the point of the analysis. A regression analysis is a statistical process where an independent variable and dependent variables are applied to data.
Prizes issued to 4 students ,1st prize Kristu Jayanthi College Rs 20000
2nd prize Wellingkar School Rs 15000
3rd prize Dr BR Ambedkar School of Economics Rs 10000
4ty prize BITS Pilani Goa Campus Rs 5000