Mr. R.K. Siddaramanna chief organizer of Khatic community and former MLC talking to media at press club in Bengaluru.
Bengaluru: Khatic community They sell mutton and goat meat, sells beer and in the past sell meat dishes in beer shops. popular in style crafty.
This caste is a caste deprived of social justice carrying a social stigma (SOCIAL STIGMA). In 11 states and 1 union territory of this country this caste is constitutionally recognized as a Scheduled Caste in the list of Scheduled Castes. For the past many years this caste along with its parallel terms i.e. Katik / Khatek / Katuga / Katuka / Kalal / Suryamkshatriya / Hindulal / Hindukhatik / Sheragara / Aarey / Arekai / Arakatikallu / Kalal Katik / Kasab / Kasai / Maratti have been added to the list of Scheduled Castes in Karnataka State. We have been submitting appeals several times.
In response to our request, Karnataka State Government in 2011 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ethnographic chapter was conducted by the Department of Sociology, Kuvempu University through the Ambedkar Research Institute and the report of this chapter will be submitted to the state government in 2012. This report mentions that Katik / Satik caste along with its parallel terms have all the qualifications to be included in the Scheduled Caste List and it is recommended in the above genealogical chapter that this caste be included in the Scheduled Caste List in Karnataka State.
Earlier in Karnataka State in 1992 a Scrutiny Committee was formed to examine the petitions of several castes for inclusion in the Scheduled Caste List, a sub-committee of the then D.K. Nikar A review was conducted under the chairmanship of Mr. Nayka, and a recommendation has been made to the state government to include Katik / Btek caste in the Scheduled Caste list in the state of Karnataka.