Bengaluru: Vivek Subba Reddy President lawer Association ” Advocate Jagadish K.N. Such incidents in the case of Mahadev are reprehensible. In a recent press conference, the Bengaluru Lawyers Association clarified that the incident has taken place in the premises of the Bangalore Civil Court. We wish Mahadev’s struggles against corruption to be the best solution for any person, if there is truth and truth in it” he said. In this regard, the Bangalore Lawyers Association has the full support and support for the fight against corruption. But in this case, lawyer Jagadish K.N. Mahadev made derogatory videos in the court premises, making derogatory videos and speaking derogatoryly about his profession as opposed to the dignity of lawyers. The entire lawyer community expresses regret about it. It is important to fight the law, rather than fight the lawyers’ Facebook and framing videos.